Vi er rigtig glade for at kunne invitere til gå-hjem møde både i Aarhus den 3. september, klokken 16:30-19:00, hos:
Søren Frichs Vej 39
8000 Aarhus C
Thomas Qvarnstorm samt Syed Shaaf fra Red Hat kommer og fortæller om Quarkus, og Michael Martinsen fra Openminds kommer og fortæller om Camunda BPM.
Tilmelding er nødvendig via: Meetup
- 16:30 - 16:35 - Velkomst
- 16:35 - 17:35 - Quarkus
- 17:35 - 17:45 - Sandwiches og vand (Sponsoreret af Systematic)
- 17:45 - 18:45 - Camunda BPM
- 18:45 - 19:00 - Networking og afsked
Med javagruppe hilsner
Anders Skarby og Flemming Harms
Quarkus is here and it brings many interesting aspects to Java development, starting from AOT, developer joy, fast startup times, native binaries and many more. What is Quarkus? In this session we will give you all an introduction to Quarkus, how and why. Then we will get right into a couple of short live demos showcasing some of the kool features, extensions and a lot more. Feel free to ask us about the future of Quarkus and Java.
- Thomas Qvarnstorm, Redhat (Sr. Principal Product Manager)
- Syed Shaaf, Redhat (Technical Evangelist)
Camunda BPM
This session will introduce you to the Camunda BPM Platform.
Camunda is an open source platform for workflow and decision automation that brings business users and software developers together.
During this session, you will learn about the philosophy of Camunda BPM and how it differs from other BPM products, the components of the Camunda Stack, and - off course - demos and code samples.
- Michael Martinsen, Openminds (Architect and Developer)