Jeff Brown, en af grundlæggerne af Micrnaut, holder et halvdags seminar om Micronaut


Tilmelding Lokation
Tilmelding via meetup København Lund & Bendsen, Naverland 2, 15. sal, 2600 Glostrup

Hands-on Micronaut Jumpstart Micronaut is a new full-stack JVM framework for building modular, easily testable microservice applications and serverless applications. Unlike reflection-based IoC frameworks, Micronaut provides advanced dependency injection and AOP support at compilation time. As a result, your application startup time and memory usage are reduced to a minimum, regardless of the size of your codebase.

Micronaut’s HTTP layer is built on Netty, a proven asynchronous network toolkit designed around an event loop and efficient, non-blocking I/O. Native support for Reactive Streams allows you to build out your API using expressive libraries such as RxJava, and apply reactive programming patterns across your entire application.

In an era of microservices and cloud computing, Micronaut incorporates support for cloud-friendly reliability patterns - from load balancing and circuit breakers to shared configuration and service discovery - and makes these features available and easily configurable from within your application. From the ground up, Micronaut applications are “natively” cloud-native.

In this half day experience, Jeff Scott Brown, one of the founders of the Grails full-stack MVC framework and the Micronaut framework, introduces Micronaut and will demonstrate features related to building robust microservices with minimal code and maximum simplicity using Micronaut. Attendees will work through hands-on exercises to build Micronaut services which take advantage of a number of powerful features offered by the framework. This is a great experience for developers who are new to the framework as well as experienced Micronaut developers.

The price for the event is 500 Dkk + VAT, which will be invoiced to the participants by Javagruppen. Students have freee admission.

Lunch is not included, but can be bought in the building.